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Are your staff equality champions or bystanders?

New research reveals that offensive remarks are frequently made about lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) people. But most people who overhear these offensive comments or language don’t intervene. What would your staff do? Are they equality champions or bystanders?

Stonewall, the lesbian, gay, bi and trans equality charity, have released new research that shows offensive comments are frequently made about lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) people, but very few people step into challenge these remarks. 2000 adults were surveyed, and one in five admitted to making offensive remarks about LGBT people. Half of the people surveyed heard this sort of abuse in the past year. But nearly two-thirds of those who witnessed this abuse did not intervene.

Ruth Hunt, Stonewall’s Chief Executive, said:

‘These shocking statistics show we have a lot to do before we live in a society where everyone is treated equally.

‘To change this, we need people to step in and stand up. We need people to be brave, be heard and be kind.  Challenging bullying requires courage but it does make a difference. We’re not asking people to step into situations that are dangerous or to put themselves at risk – not being a bystander can be simply offering support to someone who has been bullied.

‘Every one of us has the power to make change and if we each commit to call out abuse and bullying, together we can create a world where everyone is accepted without exception.’

You can read more on the research here

As LGBT history month (February) approaches, you might want to highlight these findings. You might also want to think about ways to empower your staff and students to make a difference. To be equality champions, not bystanders.

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