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How does E&D feature in the 2015 inspection framework?

The new 2015 FE and Skills inspection handbook has been published – are you and your staff clear on the extent to which E&D features in the new framework? Do they understand the practical implications of changes to the framework in relation to E&D? Here are some headlines.

The new CIF and Further Education & Skills inspection handbook has been published by Ofsted for inspections taking place from September 2015. Some things have not changed, for example we continue to have key judgements on effectiveness of leadership and management, Quality of teaching, learning and assessment and Outcomes for learners. Inspectors will continue to use the four-point scale.

However, there are some changes. In relation to E&D, for example, there is a new key judgement; Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare (PDBW), so 4 rather than 3 key judgements will inform overarching overall effectiveness.

You will see that PDBW has three components:

  • A personal development aspect – there is a key emphasis here on responsible engagement with others in a variety of contexts, such as peers, trainees in work placements and as active citizens. It includes personal and social skills
  • A behavour aspect – there is a key emphasis here on developing appropriate attitudes and behaviours that show respect and tolerance for others
  • A welfare aspect – there is a key emphasis here on safety from all forms of bullying and harassment, including cyberbullying. This aspect also includes how well learners know how to protect themselves from the risks associated with radicalisation, extremism, forms of abuse, grooming, bullying and harassment.

Preparing for life in modern Britain - The 2015 inspection framework has a greater focus on learners’ preparation for their next steps in education or employment as responsible citizens in society.

Safeguarding - There is strengthened inspection of safeguarding which threads throughout all judgements including the testing of leaders’ work to meet the new Prevent Duty. Additional safeguarding guidance highlights that safeguarding includes protecting learners from bullying, including online bullying and prejudice-based bullying, racist, disability and homophobic or transphobic abuse and other forms of discrimination.

Promoting British values - Ofsted will evaluate the extent to which providers actively promote the fundamental British values. These are outlined in the government’s prevent strategy as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different backgrounds, faiths and beliefs. The inspection handbook makes clear that outstanding providers are expected to place the promotion of British values at the heart of their work

Narrowing any equality gaps - Inspectors will continue to discuss the outcomes of different groups of learners, such as those previously eligible for free school meals, young people in care, and learners from ethnic minority background, although there will be a particular focus for learners eligible for high-needs funding and disabled learners or those with special educational needs.

Equality and diversity continues to feature highly in the 2015 inspection framework, permeating through, and explicitly impacting on all four key judgements.

Dates for diaries

Make sure you and your staff do not miss out. I am delivering two national events on behalf of the AoC in the Autumn term. ‘Promoting British Values, preparing learners for life in modern Britain’ takes place on 20 October in London. You can find out more here

‘E&D and the new inspection framework’ takes place on 22 October in Birmingham (please note that publicity, registration details and further information for this event will be uploaded by the AoC shortly).

I am also a keynote speaker at the AoC prevent conference in London on 30 September 2015. You can find out more here

You can download the following documents from the Ofsted website: 

  • The new common inspection framework
  • The new Further Education & Skills inspection handbook
  • New safeguarding guidance
  • Short supporting films outlining the key changes
  • Materials from these launch events
  • Short films of providers who took part in pilots summarising their experience of the CIF and short inspections.


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