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Delegates at a training session being run by Christine Rose


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Mind the gap

Do staff know that someone with a mental health difficulty may well be covered under the definition of a disabled person, and therefore entitled to reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010? Are they aware of the common adjustments that can be made for staff experiencing mental health difficulties? Would new Acas guidance help?

Acas have launched new guidance to help employers manage mental health in the workplace along with top tips for managers about how best to have a conversation with employees about mental health. This follows a report by Business in the Community which found only 11% of those surveyed felt able to disclose a mental health issue to their manager while half of managers said they would like training on the matter.

The new Acas guidance includes advice on:

  • spotting the signs of mental ill health
  • talking to a team member that may be experiencing mental ill health (including top tips for managers about how best to have this type of conversation)
  • supporting a team member during periods of mental ill health
  • helping a team member to return to work.

You can access the guidance here

You can access guidance on ‘Approaching a sensitive conversation regarding mental ill health’ here

It is important to appreciate that everyone will have their own unique experiences and will require individual consideration to the adjustments you should provide. However, you can download a list of common adjustments for staff experiencing mental health difficulties here


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