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Delegates at a training session being run by Christine Rose


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Disability History Month; November to December 2013

Disability History Month is an annual event that helps raise awareness of disability equality issues, and the history of disabled people’s struggle for equality and human rights. It helps provide role models for disabled students, raising aspiration and ambition. What events are you holding to celebrate?

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Should a woman be allowed to wear the face veil?

The last few weeks and months have seen intense media debate on the issue of the right of women to wear the niqab, or face veil. Birmingham Metropolitan College, for example, recently introduced a ban on the wearing of a face veil, and then reversed their decision. I cannot possibly do justice to such a complex issue in a short article, but for what it’s worth, here are a few of my thoughts on the subject…

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Sickness absence and disability

Do you have a mechanism for monitoring which staff absences are related to a disability? Does your sickness absence policy consider reasonable adjustments for disabled people? Are you aware of the practical implications of the 'HMRC Commissioners v Whitely' case?

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Being Gay in Britain, tackling homophobia and transphobia in the workplace

Did you know that, despite significant progress in recent years to improve equality, lesbian, gay and bisexual people and transsexual people continue to expect to face discrimination in almost all walks of life? Are you aware that the TUC has launched a new guide for union reps on how to combat homophobia and transphobia in the workplace?

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Is asking about religious dress at a job interview discriminatory?

Some Muslim women wear the jilbab at work – a long or loose outer garment. What if the wearing of the jilbab at work poses a health and safety issue – can you discuss this at interview?

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