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Delegates at a training session being run by Christine Rose


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Delegates attending a professional conference


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‘Mental Patient’ fancy dress outfit / new training to help tutors support students with mental health difficulties. 

Did you find the Asda and Tesco ‘mental health patient’ outfits offensive? Would your staff agree with Alistair Cambell’s views that ‘this is not a bit of fun?’ Do your tutors know how to support the one in five of their students who have a mental health difficulty? Read about my new training event.

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EHRC monitoring of equality objectives – how do yours shape up?

Did you know that the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) have recently published their findings in its assessment of how schools, colleges and universities are meeting their specific duty to publish equality objectives? Do your Equality Objectives shape up to the legal requirements?

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Forced marriage, violence against women, sexual exploitation; new research reports and guidance

Would your staff know how to respond to forced marriage or violence against women? Would your staff fall into the trap of thinking that sexual exploitation is just about Asian offenders targeting White girls? Does your organisation run information campaigns to raise awareness and help staff to know how to address these issues? Read new research reports and guidance on these problems

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E&D and work-based learning

How do you embed E&D in apprenticeship programmes when the learner spends most or all of their time in the place of employment? How do you avoid a ‘tick box approach’ to E&D for progress reviews or assessment visits? How can you genuinely and meaningfully raise awareness of E&D with learners and with employers? Did you know that the AoC is running a national event in Birmingham on 28 November that answers these and other questions on E&D and work-based learning?

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LGB and T equality at work

Did you know that the TUC has launched a new guide for union reps on how to combat homophobia in the workplace? Are you aware of the good practice case studies on the ECU website that give guidance on how to support staff who are undergoing gender reassignment?

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