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Entries in Ofsted (32)


How does E&D feature in the 2015 inspection framework?

The new 2015 FE and Skills inspection handbook has been published – are you and your staff clear on the extent to which E&D features in the new framework? Do they understand the practical implications of changes to the framework in relation to E&D? Here are some headlines.

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Should staff ignore rules on promoting British Values?

New rules to promote Fundamental British Values (FBV) in schools and colleges are not without controversy. In March, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) voted to encourage teachers to ignore these rules. What are your staff thinking?

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Promoting British values – are your staff clear on what to do?

Are you confused or apprehensive about how to respond positively to recent requirements to actively promote Fundamental British Values in colleges? Are you concerned that the agenda has the potential to damage relationships and alienate groups of staff and students? Are your staff clear about what is meant by Fundamental British Values and what it means to promote these college-wide?

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Integrating and embedding E&D in workplace learning

Are Apprenticeships a growth area in your organisation? Do you use subcontractors to deliver provision? Is there a tendency for staff to take a ‘tick-box’ approach to E&D in progress reviews and assessment visits? Are there opportunities to better engage employers in the E&D agenda? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to make sure someone from your organisation attends my one-day workshop on integrating E&D in workplace learning, which I am delivering on behalf of the AoC at the end of January

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Narrowing the achievement gap associated with poverty

Do you have an achievement gap related to poverty? For example, lower success rates for white young men living in areas of social deprivation, or in low-income households? What are you doing to narrow the gap? New research published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation might prove helpful.

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